
“Improve strength and flexibility of the body and mind through live classes, one-to-one and online sessions”

Hi I’m David AKA Yoga Dave, a yoga teacher in Stockport, Greater Manchester, UK. I’ve been practicing yoga and meditation for over 20 years and teaching for the past decade. When I first started doing yoga I had tight hamstrings, lower back issues and I was stressed, looking for a way to relax. Yoga and meditation really helped me in all these areas.

Thinking about trying yoga and meditation for the first time?

The first thing that people tell me when they come to their first class or one-to-one session is that they are the least flexible person ever and / or they are stressed out.  After the first session they tell me how relaxed and energised they feel and how well they slept that night.  Over time, flexibility and strength improves and they feel more relaxed generally.

People also say that the sessions are fun because although I do serious yoga, we don’t have to be precious about it.

Here’s my epiphany after reading loads of yoga philosophy, religious text and self-help books looking for answers: the main thing is to live a relaxed life and be at ease.

Yoga offers a tool bag full of ways to help keep the mind and body relaxed.  Stresses will come – that’s life – but you’ll find that you will be able to cope with them much more effectively.

Get in touch to find out more about live classes, one-to-one and online sessions, I’d love to hear from you and see if there is any way I can help.


Friday 6pm - Hatha Yoga and Meditation


Bramhall Methodist Church, 23 Bramhall Lane South, Bramhall, Stockport SK7 1AL


6pm - 7:30pm

Mixed ability Hatha yoga class every Friday from 6pm until 7:30pm

Hatha yoga combines yoga postures with breathwork and meditation.  The class is designed to improve strength and flexibility, and the meditation followed by a final relaxation helps to relax the mind. People say it is a challenging class, but they keep coming back for more.

Doors open at 5:30pm for a quiet sit and stretch, or simply relax and unwind.

Book now to reserve your place.


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Thursday 6:30pm - Yoga, Breathwork and Meditation at Stockport Quakers


Stockport Quaker Meeting House, 2 Cooper Street, SK1 3DW


6:30pm - 7:30pm

One hour of Hatha Yoga, Breathwork and Mindfulness suitable for complete beginners.  If you are looking to increase flexibility and strength and also relax and de-stress, then come along.

Book now to reserve your place.

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Workplace Yoga and Mindfulness


At your premises


Please enquire for availability

One of the key advantages of workplace yoga and mindfulness is stress reduction.

Regular workplace yoga sessions incorporating physical postures, breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices offer a range of benefits to employees. The sessions are tailored to the specific needs of the individual for all fitness, flexibility and stress levels. Remember that improved flexibility and reduced stress comes with practice.

The sessions take place at your premises and are suitable for complete beginners.

Get in touch to find out more.

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Private 1-2-1 and small groups


In person or Zoom - please enquire


Please enquire for availability

Get in touch to find out about private yoga, breathwork and meditation sessions to individuals or small groups. I am also a qualified Shamanic practitioner and Synergistic energy healing practitioner.

If you are looking to increase flexibility, sort out a bad back, deal with stress or a deeper emotional issue, contact me for a free 20 minute consultation.



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yoga at work

Workplace yoga and mindfulness programs have gained significant popularity in recent years, and for good reason. As workplaces become more aware of the importance of employee well-being, yoga is emerging as a versatile and effective tool for promoting health and productivity among the workforce.

Regular office yoga sessions, incorporating physical postures, breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices, offer a range of benefits to employees. The sessions can be tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the employees, making them suitable for individuals at all fitness and flexibility levels. This inclusivity fosters a sense of community and team-building among employees, contributing to improved communication and trust within teams.

One of the key advantages of workplace yoga is stress reduction. According to the American Institute for Stress, stress is a significant driver of visits to the doctor. By offering employees tools to manage stress, yoga and mindfulness can have a direct impact on reducing absenteeism, enhancing mental clarity, and improving overall mental well-being.

Physical well-being is also a major focus of workplace yoga. In an era when sedentary job environments and repetitive tasks contribute to musculoskeletal disorders and discomfort,

regular yoga practice can alleviate issues such as neck and back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and insomnia. These benefits are crucial for preventing work-related injuries and ensuring the long-term health of the workforce.

Furthermore, employers are recognizing the positive impact of yoga on employee morale and productivity. A happier and healthier workforce is generally more productive and engaged, leading to increased job satisfaction and a positive workplace atmosphere.

In addition to the individual benefits, office yoga can also help companies achieve cost savings by reducing healthcare expenses and the number of sick days taken by employees. By providing employees with tools to manage stress, improve their physical health, and enhance their overall well-being, companies can demonstrate their commitment to employee welfare and gain a competitive edge in attracting and retaining top talent.

The comprehensive offerings by bendyoga in Cheshire, which can take place in your premises include different class durations, flexibility in scheduling, and discounts for regular participants, make it a valuable partner for organizations seeking to invest in their employees’ health and happiness.

Get in touch or read our blog on on Yoga and Mindfulness in the Workplace to find out more.

new to yoga?

All classes are suitable for complete beginners and those looking to improve flexibility and strength

Can’t touch your toes?

Well, that’s a great place to start. By practicing yoga you will soon start to feel the benefits, including:

  • Stress relief
  • Builds core strength and flexibility
  • Improves posture
  • Helps back pain and stiff joints
  • Tones the body
  • Sleep better
  • Increases stamina
  • Improves health and wellbeing
  • Controls weight
  • Helps to recover from injury
  • With practice, you might even be able to touch your toes….(hint, bend your knees….)

What do I need for my first class?

  • Aim to arrive at least 10 minutes before the class to settle in
  • Drink a couple of glasses of water before each class
  • Practice on an empty stomach – no food for at least
    2 hours before a class
  • Wear loose fitting clothing
  • Yoga mats are available to borrow
  • Most importantly, come with an open mind!


“Thoughts, musings and ruminations.”

Yoga and Mindfulness in the Workplace

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What I've been pondering this week..

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Get Rid Of Back Pain

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What is yoga about, really?

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Online Classes

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What differentiates humans from all the other creatures on this planet is our capacity to tell and believe in stories.
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The Practice of Mindfulness

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Mindfulness Meditation

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Should we teach our children Yoga?

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So, what is the point of Yoga, anyway?

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A brief history of yoga

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“I booked the initial evening being rather unsure what to expect, but so glad I took the leap of faith and booked my first session. Dave has a most welcoming demeanor and a very relaxing approach but don't kid yourself that it's easy. I'm a firm believer you only get out what you put in and I can honestly say that I will be back for more”


“Been coming to Dave's Bendy Yoga for about 5 years after initially joining to free up tight hamstrings and other tight joints causing lower back pain due to too much sitting in the car and at my desk! Worked a treat for me and never looked back. A great way to end the working week. Dave keeps it light hearted and mixes it up each week so never the same. Give it a go!”


“I love this class! I refuse to go out on a Friday night as I can't miss it. I initially went to try and relieve a stiff upper back, but have found the benefits go much further - great conditioning to counter other high-intensity exercise and also hugely relaxing. There is a great mix of fun and challenge and every week is different”


“I really enjoyed the session on Friday, David, and just what I needed. I like the focus on the breathe and also being clear about where the stretch is being felt in each posture as well as taking enough of a pause to notice the impact of each stretch. I enjoyed the structure of the session with time given to sitting. Thank you”